What is Water Power Week in Washington D.C.?

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What is Water Power Week in Washington D.C.?


December 16, 2024


Jeremy Chase-Israel, Content Development Specialist, NHA


What is Water Power Week in Washington D.C.?

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During the week of March 31, 2025, the water power community – both those working in the industry and those affecting the industry – will gather in Washington, D.C., to focus on policy, regulation, legislation, and wholesale electricity markets related to conventional hydropower, pumped storage, and marine energy.

The Water Power Week in Washington conference, March 31 – April 2, 2025, at the Capital Hilton Hotel, is owned and organized by the National Hydropower Association (NHA). Registration is open, with “early bird” discounts available until February 7, 2025.

The policy conference creates a forum for industry, government agencies, regulators, resource agencies, tribes and First Nations, and river and environmental communities to learn from and interact with each other.

For the industry, it’s a time to advocate for water power on Capitol Hill, with government agencies, and in front of Administration officials.

This once-a-year opportunity provides three days of programming related to “top-of-mind” policy-related topics. Water Power Week’s detailed schedule has not yet been released, but pay attention to POWERHOUSE and NHA’s social media for more information and updates.


“NHA offers two national events each year,” says Marla Barnes, vice president of member and industry engagements for the association. “Water Power Week, which occurs each spring in Washington, D.C., and is all about legislation, regulation, and markets.”

The Clean Currents event, which occurs every fall and moves to a different city each year, is the “super bowl” of the water power world, bringing the entire industry – including asset owners and service and product suppliers – together to learn from each other, do business together, and move the industry forward.

Click here to learn more about the differences between Water Power Week in Washington and the Clean Currents Tradeshow + Conference.


The session line-up offers enough variety to be useful to a broad spectrum of professionals. Prospective attendees working in, or interested in, the following will find sessions of interest:

  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission relicensing
  • Marine energy commercialization
  • Pumped storage development
  • Small hydro
  • Wholesale electricity markets
  • Dam removal or hydro project decommissioning
  • Government funding for innovation and technology development
  • Advocacy with elected officials


Every year, Water Power Week in Washington D.C. takes advantage of its location and critical mass of water power professionals by organizing Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill.

Advocacy Day is an opportunity for industry members to participate in face-to-face meetings with legislators and their staff, build relationships with Congressional offices, and share experiences in hydropower, pumped storage, and marine energy to help raise water power’s profile while advancing policies that will allow our industry to flourish.

To make the day as impactful as possible, NHA equips participants with talking points, policy cards, and other tools in advance of meetings, as well as materials to leave behind at offices. Additionally, NHA offers an “Advocacy 101” panel to help participants effectively deliver their message. The panel also serves to answer any outstanding questions or concerns participants may have prior to attending meetings at the Capitol.

For more information about NHA’s Advocacy Day during Water Power Week 2025, click here.


To register and learn more about the upcoming Water Power Week in Washington D.C., click here.

Check out the biggest takeaways from Water Power Week 2024 here.

National Hydropower Association