NHA’s Midwest Regional Meeting Comes to Des Moines, Iowa

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NHA’s Midwest Regional Meeting Comes to Des Moines, Iowa


April 1, 2024


Jeremy Chase-Israel, Content Development Specialist, National Hydropower Association


NHA’s Midwest Regional Meeting Comes to Des Moines, Iowa

NHA thanks our sponsors:


Spring is here, and NHA is traveling to Des Moines, Iowa, from April 30 – May 2, 2024, for the Midwest Regional Meeting, co-hosted with the Midwest Hydro Users Group (MHUG). The Midwest Regional Meeting is an excellent opportunity for water power professionals to connect and learn alongside one another.

This year’s meeting will be co-located with the Department of Energy (DOE) for the finale of the Hydropower Collegiate Competition (HCC), which features students and faculty from more than 10 universities across the United States. The HCC is part of a large-scale effort to help promote careers in the water power industry, as the competition brings students together from a vast array of disciplines – engineering, communications, biology – to partner on potential solutions to real issues facing hydro.

The Midwest Meeting will take place at the Des Moines Marriott Downtown in Des Moines, Iowa, which is located in the heart of the city. Hosted by Missouri River Energy Services and sponsored by 26 organizations, the meeting offers insight to those looking to stay up to date on the issues and opportunities affecting water power across the Midwest.

NHA’s Midwest Regional Meeting provides a forum to address regional issues and location-specific challenges, as well as exploring topics top-of-mind for the Midwestern water power community.


During the Midwest Regional Meeting, attendees will have the opportunity to tour Missouri River Energy Services’ Red Rock Hydroelectric Project (RRHP); unfortunately, at the time of publication, the tour is full.

Red Rock Hydroelectric Project is a 43-megawatt facility, and it was installed on the existing Red Rock Dam on the Des Moines River. Located about three miles southwest of Pella, Iowa, the dam is owned and operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and was placed into service in 1969.

Missouri River Energy Services hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for RRHP in August 2014. The project, which was completed six years later in October 2020, began commercial operation in July 2021. Red Rock Hydroelectric Project operates as a run of release as directed by the USACE.


One of the benefits of NHA’s regional meeting series is its numerous networking offerings, and the Midwest Regional has an exciting opportunity for golf fans with a meetup at Waveland Golf Course on May 2, 2024 – tee times starting at 8:00 am CT. $50 snags you a cart rental for 18 holes at one of the country’s oldest golf courses, if not the oldest municipally owned course in the United States.

Waveland Golf Course has a fascinating history that dates back over 122 years, and it once featured an elk paddock and trolley car – the tracks are still visible today. Currently, the grounds are home to the Drake University Observatory.

With over 40,000 rounds of golf played at Waveland each year, the course is considered a serious challenge. Waveland has also hosted Arnold Palmer, Billy Casper, Men’s and Women’s City Championships, and many other important golf events.

Please email Mike Pedersen at mike.pedersen@meadhunt.com, by April 5th, if you would like to participate. In your email, please include the names of those you wish to golf with in your group.


NHA’s regional meetings are a gathering place for the water power industry, and they often feature local and state legislators, representatives from national organizations, and speakers from the Federal government and national labs.

The upcoming Midwest Regional Meeting will feature the following session topics on Wednesday, May 1:

  • Equipment – Modernizing and Replacing at “Old” Facilities
  • Climate Extremes – What’s Happening in the Midwest and What Does That Mean for Hydro?
  • Clean Energy Transition – Hear from Utilities about How They Are Meeting the Mandates/Goals Set for the Future
  • Small Hydro
  • Funding (Loans and/or Grants) from the Government
  • Decision Making Insights – Deciding What to Do with Hydro Assets That No Longer Fit Your Organization’s Business Model?

For those interested in learning more about undertaking Comprehensive Assessments under the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s new guidelines, then the Dam Safety Comprehensive Assessments Workshop on May 2, from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm CT, is an excellent opportunity. The workshop will provide valuable insights regarding the planning process, execution, level of effort, and more to leverage outputs to inform decisions and prioritize work.

Workshop participants will hear numerous perspectives from independent consultants, federal regulators, and hydroelectric project owners.


If you’re interested in attending NHA’s Midwest Regional Meeting, check out the event site here for details on hotel accommodations, registration rates, a schedule of events, and the meeting agenda.

If you need additional assistance, please reach out to Ellie Rubalow, Events Specialist at NHA, for more information (ellie@hydro.org).

National Hydropower Association