We are the Future Leaders of Waterpower
We’re a group of ambitious, young professionals
using waterpower to work toward a future of clean, sustainable energy,
guided by values of equity and justice.
Be part of the next generation leading water power.

Make Waves
Wisdom goes that a single droplet makes ripples but together they can be as powerful as the ocean. We are a community of talented, diverse professionals supporting each other through sharing knowledge, events, and experiences. FLOW brings young leaders together to leverage resources, opportunities, and connections that advance careers and the whole waterpower industry.
Participants in the FLOW group have opportunities to:
- Speak at national and regional conferences
- Author articles in POWERHOUSE, NHA’s media platform and the industry’s source for waterpower insights
- Influence committees and future events
- Attend events, networking opportunities, and workshops at a special rate
- Meet and collaborate with high-profile industry leaders
- Forge meaningful connections with colleagues
- Join NHA and attend Clean Currents at a member discount
We’re always looking and listening for ways FLOW can evolve to best support our growing community. Watch this space for upcoming events and opportunities!
We’re Changing the Tide
Clean energy solutions like waterpower are the future but much of the industry has to catch up with today. Technical and business innovations that advance the field call for new, forward-thinking leaders.
But the legacy of the nation’s first renewable resource and its close groups of leaders has been double-edged and made breaking into the business difficult. With a quarter of current energy workers predicted to retire in the next five years, we can’t wait for bright, fresh minds to trickle in.
We must actively and intentionally invest in talent from diverse communities to grow our industry and challenge us to be better.
NHA has made diversity, equity, and inclusion a strategic priority because we recognize its necessity for our sector’s sustainability. FLOW works to tear down barriers and create pathways for professional growth. Together, we’re building the next wave of leaders, full of brilliant, different perspectives, who will make decisions with an eye towards benefitting all communities.
Meet Some Future Leaders of Waterpower

Nuria Holmes, SWCA Environmental Consultants
Nuria served as Vice Chair of FLOW from 2020-2022. She used her leadership in the waterpower industry to negotiate a better title and salary when she moved to a new job from one organization to another. Not only did Nuria’s new organization join as NHA members, she also serves as a Co-Vice Chair of NHA’s Regulatory Affairs Committee for 2022-2023.

Elliott Jackson, Hydroelectric Design Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Elliott leveraged his leadership experience as Chair of Flow from 2020-2022 to secure conference attendance at Clean Currents 2022, the waterpower event of the industry, where he was able to attend educational sessions and foster relationships with other waterpower professionals. He’s also written a featured article for NHA’s POWERHOUSE.

Emily Schwartz, Black & Veatch
Emily was involved with the Future Leaders of Waterpower from the conception of the group. This opened the opportunity to lead a workshop at Clean Currents 2021 on Sustainable Leadership. She has also been tapped to serve as one of the Vice Chairs for NHA’s Regional Meetings Committee Leadership Team for 2022-2023.
Be part of the next generation leading water power. Joining is simple.

Navigate to the National Hydropower Association portal, log in or create your profile with your work email address.
If you have been sent a FLOW meeting invitation, you probably already have a profile.

In the Portal Navigation menu, select ‘Committees & Councils’ to see the list of all NHA committees, councils, and roundtables.

Click ‘Join’ next to Future Leaders of Waterpower (FLOW).
If you have questions about an upcoming call or are unable to access NHA’s Portal, please reach out to Kelly Rogers (kelly@hydro.org) or Catherine Ryan (catherine@hydro.org) to be added to the FLOW distribution list.